Our Worship: both formal & friendly![]() Our formality comes from the tradition of our liturgy - we follow the Book of Common Prayer. This helps the congregation to pray and praise together, even while there is ample time for private prayer and devotion during the service.
Several Bible passages are read aloud. The congregation sings hymns, accompanied by organ or piano, and our Adult and Junior Choirs sing anthems from a wide variety of sacred and spiritual music, although some aspects have been suspended during the pandemic. The congregation prays for the the needs of the world and the Church, and we celebrate the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper) together. Our clergy and some of the lay people who assist in leading worship wear vestments, and the decorations of Church and altar reflect the times and themes of the liturgical seasons. It is our goal to offer God worship that is beautiful and reverent - the best that we can give. Our worship is also personable and warm. We expect that you will bring your whole self to Church - joys, worries, sorrows, humor - and that you can feel free to share some of that with others. Some of us dress up for worship, others prefer to be more casual. Mid-way through the service we pass the Peace with one another - a bow or wave to our neighbor with the words "Peace be with you" - sharing a sign of Christ's peace. We know that children (and some adults!) are not always quiet. Everyone at All Saints' has been new to the congregation or new to faith at some point and knows that it can be hard to be new. After the 10 a.m. service there is often a social time of refreshments and getting to know one another at Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall or out on the Church lawn. You don't have to drink coffee, and you don't have to stay an hour, but we would like to get to know you. Please be sure to speak to someone sitting near you after the service, introduce yourself to the clergy and sign our guest book next to the front door. Most of all, we expect that when we come to worship, God walks in the door with us and will fill our hearts and deepen our experience and our faith when we gather as a congregation. This gives us strength and courage to go out into the world and do God's work wherever our daily lives take us. |
Sunday Worship
8 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I ~ a quiet contemplative time without music. 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II ~ our main service of the week. All ages worship together. There is organ and piano music, choir, sometimes handbells and other instruments, and congregational singing. Worship Boxes are available for children to help them participate with their families. Daily Worship Online 9:30 pm Compline ~ on Facebook Live This is the ten-minute traditional prayer service at the end of the day that is found in the Book of Common Prayer. It is a live broadcast. You can offer a gratitude or a prayer request and it will be prayed for live on-line. |
All Saints' Episcopal Church - 15 Basking Ridge Road, Millington, NJ 07946 - Phone (908) 647–0067 - [email protected]