Support All Saints' Church
Please click the button above to pay on line from either your bank account or with your credit card through Vanco - our secure on-line giving service. You may fulfill your weekly or monthly pledge. You may also make a gift to Twelve Baskets Food Pantry or to specific ministry areas of All Saints'. Thank you! Stewardship: We are nourished by the abundance of God's gifts.
Your pledge of support means that All Saints’ will be able to continue to be a community that nurtures your faith and connection to God, as well as reaching out to our surrounding communities. If you have pledged in the past, thank you so much! Please consider what increase might be possible for you in 2025. If you have not pledged before, or have not done so in a while, we invite you to express your faith, gratitude, and support by making a pledge—a tangible statement that also benefits others. Every pledge is a statement of faith, hope, and trust in God. We are grateful for your pledge because it comes from you and is heartfelt. 2025 Pledge CommitmentHaving prayed about this annual pledge to fund the mission of All Saints' Episcopal Church, and in the context of gratitude for all that God has given me/our family, please be advised of the pledge for the next fiscal year: Jan 1-Dec 31, 2025.
Note: when pledge commitments are submitted on-line they will be acknowledged from the parish office via US mail. Thank you. |
Our full pledge materials are below:
How has God fed you in this last year—spiritually, relationally, even physically? How has your faith in Christ sustained you even in the midst of so much change? How will you give thanks to God in tangible ways with your prayers and presence, your time, talent, and treasure? All Saints’ is blessed in so many ways with faithful, creative, and resourceful parishioners and staff. We do our best to be good stewards of all God has given us and entrusted to us. And we know that the life of our parish community, and the faith and love we find here, is sorely needed in the world around us. A Word from a Parishioner "Something we had hoped to find in a church was a warm and welcoming community where we could not only worship but build meaningful and long-lasting relationships... When our daughter was born it was important to Melissa and I that we bring her up going to church and to know and have a relationship with God. All Saints' has been incredible with setting up a whole children’s area with toys and resources that can help us..." Dave Pagliaro Thank you for being one of God’s faithful and perfect gifts. Blessings, Vicki+ |