Our Programs & MinistriesAt All Saints' we offer ourselves to God and each other. We are nourished by God's gifts to us through a wide variety of parish groups and activities. Here are some of our different ministries:
Worship Altar Guild sets up the altar for worship services, cares for the communion vessels and vestments and decorates the Church for special seasons. Lectors read aloud the first Scripture lesson, and sometimes lead the Psalm, during worship. Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist in worship by reading the second Scripture lesson, leading the Prayers of the People, administering the chalice, and sometimes leading Morning Prayer. Acolytes serve at the altar and carry the Cross in processions. Boys and girls can begin serving when they reach seventh grade and above. Ushers provide hospitality to visitors and the congregation by distributing the weekly service leaflets, and act as stagehands to help the congregation move to Communion smoothly. Adult Choir supports the congregation in worship in the hymns, psalms, and service music. They also offer a prepared choral piece each week, September – June. The choir rehearses Thursdays at 7:30 pm Junior Choir for boys and girls in Grade 2 and older rehearse Tuesdays at 5:15 pm and sings an anthem at the 10 am service several times a month. Hand bell Choir prepares a piece and plays in worship several times a season. Rehearsals are often Sunday after Church, as needed. Instrumental Music is offered by parishioners who play different kinds of instruments. Director of Music Alison Siener Brown is always happy to have others share their musical gifts and talents. Stewardship Counters/Tellers make an accounting of the Sunday collection and prepare it for deposit. The Finance Committee works to oversee parish monies with sound business and stewardship practices. They meet monthly, the second Tuesday of the month. Buildings & Grounds is a group of volunteers who keep up with the many needs of our physical plant. We need all skill levels and interest – everything from changing light bulbs to painting and light carpentry. Gardening is a way of beautifying our grounds and caring for God’s creation. Our gardeners pay attention to the parish flower beds, planters, etc. Lawn care and leaves are contracted to a professional service. Rummage Sale is our largest fund-raiser (and fun-raiser) of the year. The sale is held in September, and we prepare for it in August. We always need rummage sorters, pricers, bakers, sellers, and people to set up and clean up. Fish ‘n Chips for our wider community is a fund-raising dinner once or twice a year, catered by Argyle of Kearny. Volunteers set up, clean up, bake desserts, serve tables and pack take-out bags. Fundraising ideas and efforts are always welcome! There is not currently a group or committee doing this, but we’d love you to take it on! Boutique Shop is a new idea (October 2017) taking shape. So far the vision looks like this: a parish gift shop open once or twice a week selling boutique items from the Rummage Sale, hand-crafted gifts, and some simple books and materials for meditation. |
Wednesday Bible Study,10:15am
All welcome--no previous Bible study experience necessary. We are currently looking at the Letter of James in the New Testament. If you'd like to join the discussion, e-mail us. Outreach/Evangelism
Food Pantry ministry covers several areas: transporting purchased food from the Community Food Bank of NJ to All Saints’; sorting through items and dividing them between the food pantry we support in Dover, snacks for the Vets at the V.A. Hospital in Lyons, monthly distribution at the Long Hill Senior Center, and our on-site emergency food pantry for Long Hill residents and Vets. Homeless Shelter is our community’s participation in Family Promise of Morris County, when families struggling to get back on their feet spend the week in Long Hill. Three times a year we provide dinner, hospitality, and overnight supervision at the shelter. Knitting for Seamen is the Christmas-at-Sea program of the Seaman’s Church Institute Christmas outreach for merchant sailors through the Port of Newark. Volunteers knit or crochet hats and scarves to be given to the seafarers. Adopt-a-Family Program in December purchases Christmas gifts and needed items for one or more families in the social service system in our area. Vets’ Dinners offer hospitality and fellowship to Vets from the transitional housing program at the Lyons V.A. hospital, as well as Vets in our local community. Parishioners and others cook, set up, visit with Vets, and clean up afterward. These dinners happen about once every eight weeks. Technology covers help with maintaining our web pages, wifi, routers, computers, software upgrades, security and more...all systems that help us tell the story of God’s love in our world. Publicity for different events, projects, and services – including web site, Facebook, local on-line and print publications, lawn-signs, etc. Formation Flowers Ministers deliver the Altar Flowers to sick or home-bound parishioners after the Sunday services. The Prayer Chain is a group of people who commit to praying for the needs of parishioners and their concerns on a confidential and emergency basis. Coffee Hour Hosts provide refreshments in the Parish Hall after the 10 am Sunday service – coffee, tea, juice, light snacks. Kitchen Committee keeps our Parish House kitchen and kitchenette tidy, organized, and stocked with supplies. Soup Ministry is active in the fall and winter months to make delicious, nourishing soups and freeze them, available to take to sick or shut-ins in the parish; and also for purchase by parishioners and members of the A.A. groups that meet I our Parish House. Parish Parties/Parish Life is the group that tends to our parish social life and connections. Prayer and a party! Bible Study/Adult Education – Bible study meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10:15 am in the Rath House. This is an opportunity to learn, ask questions, laugh, and grow in faith. Evening adult ed offerings happen seasonally. In 2017 we are meeting on Moday nights to read and discuss the Pilgrim Series books. Teach Sunday School to our parish children during the 10 am service three times a month, September through May. We follow “Weaving God’s Promises” a downloadable curriculum offered by the Episcopal Church. |
All Saints' Episcopal Church - 15 Basking Ridge Road, Millington, NJ 07946 - Phone (908) 647–0067 - Fax (908) 647-7349